ARTE Generali live on RiskWrite 4.x

July 3, 2020

In March 2020, ARTE Generali, a specialized insurer providing high-capacity, multi-country all-risk insurance solutions for private collectors, started trading on the latest version 4.x of Sabrefish’s RiskWrite Cloud Managed Service following a project which went from initial agreement to go live in less than 4 months. 

Commenting on the go live, ARTE Generali’s Chief Executive Officer, Jean Gazancon, stated ‘Sabrefish’s RiskWrite Cloud Managed Service helps us support our customers in becoming part of an extended community of art lovers, specialty experts, trend observers and high-profile influencers, ready to share unique experiences.’

ARTE Generali is making extensive use of RiskWrite’s flexible product builder and multi company, country and currency capability, to roll out their insurance solutions throughout Europe and the Middle East.